Bulk Cargo Materials, on the Rise!
The transportation of both traditional and new solid bulk materials around the world is on the rise. With this increase, investment in new and improved infrastructure is necessary to efficiently handle and transport the growing tonnage. Planning and budgeting for facilities that can accommodate various types of bulk solids must consider factors such as tonnage, contamination, degradation, and pollution.
Impact on Capital Equipment
However, the handling of bulk solids has a negative impact on capital equipment. The more materials that are handled, the shorter the equipment's lifespan.
Densit combats this by using a combination of ceramic, metallic, and polymer lining systems, successfully protecting equipment and extending its service life.
This protection not only protects the equipment but also increases the amount of material that can be loaded or unloaded, reducing demurrage costs for port facilities and shortening the unloading time for vessels.
Protection & Consultation
Densit not only provides equipment protection but also offers consultation services to ensure optimal design for future handling and storage needs.
For example, the recent rise in biomass trading has created new handling and storage challenges that must be addressed to maintain efficient operations.
Get in touch
We always endeavor to assist you and answer any questions you may have about our products or services. For more information or to ask a question, please call us on 01562 515 195 or email info@densit.co.uk