Be Efficient, Reduce Costs!
The handling of raw materials and finished products in animal feed plants exposes plant surfaces to large volumes of semi-aggressive media, causing quick wear and tear on hoppers, feeders, chutes, and mixing equipment. This leads to frequent repairs and maintenance of cyclones, separators, rotary valves, and extrusion equipment, driving up costs. To avoid this excess maintenance, the right wear protection measures and materials must be applied.
Maintaining Equipment
The equipment used in the production of animal feed must remain reliable 24/7 to ensure success. By considering operational factors such as volumes, loadings, particle size and shape, viscosity, and moisture content, potential wear problems can be eliminated.
Choosing the right liner materials, hopper design, and pipe installation can prevent the need for replacement and maintenance for up to 20 years.
Maintain Equipment Value
Whether the feed is dried, mixed, or packaged, wear problems will arise. Without wear protection, these materials will decrease the value of capital equipment over time.
By implementing proven design and maintenance methods, Densit can add value, reduce downtime, and eliminate material flow and plant degradation issues, improving efficiency and ROI in the animal feed processing industry.